Eye Twitching and Stress

Eye twitching and stress are two conditions that commonly occur together. The body reacts to stress by releasing powerful stress hormones. These stress hormones can make your eye twitch and make your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels increase.

All of us have to deal with stress. There are things you can do that will help you handle stress in a positive way and keep it from making you sick or your eye twitch. Try these tips to help keep stress and eye twitching under control.
Develop a new attitude and become a problem solver. Make a list of the things that give you stress. From your list, discover which problems you are able to solve now and which are outside your control for now. Out of your list of problems that you can solve now, begin with the small ones. Figure out how to calmly take a look at a challenge, think about possible solutions, and do something to solve the problem.

Having the ability to solve small problems will give you confidence to tackle the big ones. And feeling confident that you can solve problems will go a long way to helping you feel less stressed.

Be flexible; sometimes, it’s not worth the stress to argue. Surrender once in awhile or meet people midway.
Get organized; think ahead about how you’re going to spend time. Write a to-do list. Determine what’s most essential to do and do those actions first.
Set limits, with regards to things like work and family, figure out what you can really do. You will find only so
many hours in the day. Set boundaries for yourself as well as others. Don’t hesitate to say NO to demands for your time and energy.

Relax, take deep breaths. If you're feeling stressed, taking a few deep breaths enables you to breathe slower and helps your muscles relax which can help stop eye twitches. Stretch; stretching will also help relax your muscles thus making you feel less tense. Massage tight muscles, having someone massage the muscles at the back of your neck and upper back will help you feel less tense and help stop eyelid spasms.

Take time to do something you want to do. We all have lots of things that we need to do. But often we don't take the time to do the things that we actually want to do. It may be listening to music, reading a great book, or going
to a movie. Think of this as an order from your doctor, so that you won’t feel guilty!

Look after your whole body and get adequate sleep. Getting enough sleep makes it possible to recover from the stresses of the day. Also, being well-rested
helps you think better so you are ready to handle problems as they come up. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours
of sleep a night to feel rested and to help prevent eyelid twitches.

Eat right, make an effort to fuel up with fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grain products. Don’t be fooled by the jolt you receive from caffeine or high-sugar snack foods. Your energy will fade away, and you could wind up feeling more tired than you did before with even worse eye twitching.

Get moving, getting physical activity can not only help relax your tense muscles but enhance your mood. Research shows that physical activity can certainly help relieve signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Don’t deal with stress in unhealthy ways. This includes drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, using drugs, cigarette smoking, or overeating.

Connect with others and share your worries. Talking about your problems with friends or family members can sometimes help you feel good. They might also help you see your problems in a new way and suggest solutions that you hadn't thought of.

Get the help of a professional if you need it. If you feel that you are able to no longer cope, talk to your doctor. She or he  may suggest counseling to help you learn better ways to cope with stress. Your doctor may also prescribe medicines, such as antidepressants or sleep aids.

If you follow these simple steps, it will go a long way in helping to reduce your stress and eye twitching.














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